Saturday, July 22, 2006


Okie dokie...
Before all you people out there in this world...
Start wondering which poor victim i'm aiming this post at...
Worry not and rest in peace...
For at this instance this post of mine...
Is dedicated with my heartfelt love to certain people...
Who deserve it the most...
Any guesses in who will be this year's winners...
In the India's 'Dumb and Dumber' categories...
You got it right after all...
Actually not much of a brain teaser is it...
I mean after all the goof ups they make on a daily basis...
Who can but steal the show for being the DUMBEST of the lot...
Than the show stoppers...
The extremely brilliant...
Our very own...
Made up of a team of the most corrupt power hungry foolish set of people...
India has ever produced till date...
Incapable of keeping terrorists at bay...
Floods from drowning major cities...
Poverty from spreading its tentacles all over the nation...
Famine from ravaging the masses...
And the list goes on and on and on...
I could go on forever...
Well the shortcomings of our government have never been a surprise have they...
I mean bloopers are their common forte...
But this time the casulities of their mistakes have been one too many...
First there were victims of the rains...
One year following another...
And then 7/11...
A tragic mistake that could have been prevented from happening...
Had the government forseen such acts of terror...
And curbed the rate of immigration...
And checked the filtration of ammunation into our country...
Maybe just maybe hundreds of innocent lives could be saved...
But no when and where action was needed the Indian government just sat...
And did nothing but drum their lazy fingers together...
And today with so many of the civilians perishing in a mindless war...
The Government suddenly stands to attention...
And decides to at last do something to prove their dwindling interest...
In saving some lives...
And Eureka...
They hit upon the perfect plan...
An idea straight from DODOLAND...
Ban blogs...
(Because oh my God this idea is ridiculous)...
Terrorists are using blogs to pass secret messages...
Yeah right...
Do i sound like a terrorist to you...
Man if i were one then believe me...
Every mission of these poor terrorists would have failed...
Because such a sad lovelorn person like me...
Who cannot even think beyond her ex...
How will i even think coherently to plan well enough to blow up the world...
What a great idea of the Government...
To curb the rights of every Democratic Indian...
Ban our freedom of speech...
Could anyone be bigger fools that that...
Well darling Government of mine...
See where stupid plans end up...
In the gutter...
Like this OH SO GREAT plan of banning blogs that you'll had...
Reacting to public demends and condemnation...
You had to lift the ban...
Which by the way was a bad plan from the start...
Guys chuck these small time baseless plans...
And look at the bigger picture..
It's about time...
And till your pea sized brains come up with something worthwhile...
Read my lips...
You'll are big time DUMB...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Darkness surrounds me...

A whirlwind of dark thoughts swirl around me...
Pushing me into a corner...
Stifling me...
I try to run but i cannot...
I try to escape but the darkness follows...
And overcomes...
And as i loose myself to the darkness i fall...
Deeper and deeper...
Into an abyss...
A deep hole of no return...
And i wonder where exactly i'm heading...
Like a storm in my head...
Like a tornado rushing about...
My thoughts destroy me...
And i cry...
With pain and frustration...
I try to reach out...
To hold on to something...
For comfort...
For support...
My thoughts drown me...
I try to fight back...
But it is a no win situation..
And as the depression settles in...
I flounder...
To get a grip over myself...
To overcome the pain...
The hurt...
The shame...
The low self esteem...
The loss in self confidence...
But i cannot...
With every step i take...
I stumble...
And fall...
I'm losing my strenght to fight back...
The want to live...
As once familiar things and people push me away...
I feel dead inside...
Inspite of the storm raging within me...
Emotions refuse to emerge...
I am living...
Yet not alive at the same time...
I feel...
But don't care...
And i'm scared...
Very very scared...
What is happening to me...
What am i becoming...
Fear overrides me...
Embracing me in its chilly arms...
I feel let down..
And like i have let down...
And i'm sinking...
Terror grips me...
And frantically i try...
To resume a semblence of my past...
But the cracks in me seem too wide...
It's too late to repair...
God help me...
I try...
Oh God i try so hard to be good...
To be honest...
To be nice...
But then why me...
Why am i being pushed...
Pushed into a corner...
As dark evil thoughts run through my head..
I cower...
I want to give up...
I want to run away...
From this pain...
This hurt...
This unknown creature i've become...
The sense of foreboding washes over me...
And i tremble...
Afraid of the prospect of what is yet to come...
I'm living in my own personal hell...
That none can see...
Dear God...
Take pity on me...
Save me from this torture...
This slow death my spirit is dying...
Please anybody who can hear me...
Rescue me...

Friday, July 14, 2006


Dear Mr.Terrorist...
Why am i using the endearment 'Dear'...
That is because my mother has told me always to be polite to one and all...
Even it it means you heartless people...
Yes you'll are heartless...
What else can i call you'll...
Especially when you'll can murder millions of innocent people in the blink of an eye...
Without any regrets whatsoever...
It's funny you know...
To think that you'll are the creations of the same God that we all come from...
I mean so many of us humans survive in harmony...
Sometimes longdrawn but existant after all...
Not needing to resort to bloodshed unless we are ummm insane or completely frustrated...
Then why do you'll so calmly eliminate lives...
Do you'll like the smell of blood like carnal animals that roam the wilderness...
Or then maybe you'll just fall in the aforesaid category of the insane...
What runs through your minds when you'll plan on murdering innocent civilians...
Do you'll really think that a new world for you'll is going to spring from the blood of others...
Or are you'll so bloodthirsty that the mere thought of killing people
sends shivers of thrill through you'll...
Do you'll ever stop to think...
That the bombs you'll place to finish off so many lives in one stroke...
Are wiping out an entire generation of people from the face of earth...
That the people you kill have nothing whatsoever against you'll...
That they are all just simple innocent people living their lives...
Working hard and trying to exist in a perpetual 24/7 rat race...
That the faceless people you aim your weapons of death towards are a part of a family...
Someone's father...
Someone's son...
Someone's uncle...
Someone's lover...
Women, children, the weak...
Do you'll have no consciences at all...
You'll spare no one...
How would you'll like it if one fine day we decide to drag out and kill your families...
Your parents...
Your children...
Your wives...
Your relatives...
Or maybe you'll are so stone hearted that it will make absolutely no difference to you'll...
What are you'll gaining from destroying the weak and innocent...
How do our simple lives serve in your greater plans for a better world...
If you'll think that a series of bomb blasts are going to gain you'll any rewards you'll are wrong...
Not just wrong but also very very foolish...
Yes you'll may destroy us physically...
But mentally we are strong...
We will survive...
Our bodies may be ravaged but our spirits remain untouched...
Today i am alive and not a victim of the ill fated trains you'll targetted...
Tomorrow it might just be me...
Blown into smithereens and on my way to meet my Creator...
But no matter what...
My spirit and zest for live will survive...
You'll cannot scare me...
Or the citizens of Mumbai..
We will fight right till the end...
We may fall...
But we will rise, dust ourselves and limp right back to where we had begun...
And as time goes by...
That limp will change to a sturdy march...
Against which you'll will have no say...
And no matter what you'll try...
Our resilence will trample your killer instincts...
And we will emerge victorious in this mindless pathetic bloody war that you'll have begun...
For in this huge galaxy where we exist...
I salute the people of Mumbai...
For their big hearts, strong spirits and admirable courage...
I am proud to be a part of this city...
A city that will never say die...
So Mr.Terrorists Beware...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The word in itself holds a certain magic to it...
In just one single word...
The name Mumbai epitomises us Mumbaikers in whole...
A city of dreams...
The commercial hub of our country...
Mumbai is described in ten fold ways...
But looking at Mumbai through the eyes of a simple student...
All i can say is that...
Mumbai is a city that never sleeps...
A city where the rich and the poor mingle together in symphony...
Where people throng the roads every single moment...
Where rush hour is common place...
Where the innessant honking of cars mix with the fumes of smoke...
Where people have a never say die spirit...
Where every great fall is endured...
Looked upon as just another hurdle of daily life...
Where resilence in the people outgrows all...
Is one of the safest cities in the world...
Oh my God...
Did i just say "IS"...
Ooooh sorry...
Actually i meant "WAS"...
Mumbai was one of the safest cities in the world...
Where as a girl i could roam about the busy streets without a second thought...
Where life offered me endless oppurtunities and adventures...
Where travelling was a pain but still fun...
But then i am just reminiscing...
That is the Mumbai of the past...
Today Mumbai has become a city of danger...
Where unknown terrors lurk at every corner...
Where the once annoying crowds...
Now are a comfort to be around...
Where fame has pushed the city to all the front pages of the newspapers...
A fame which we all Mumbaikers want to shoo away...
Oneday it's the rains...
Then the next it's the riots...
And then again...
The bomb blasts...
Another date in history that will remain etched forever in our minds...
And i wonder...
What has our city come too...
Today for us all residents of Mumbai...
Life is a daily struggle...
A stuggle to earn...
A stuggle to rise...
A struggle to live...
Today as a Mumbaiker...
You are either a SURVIVOR or a VICTIM...
And no i'm just not pointing to the blasts...
We have to survive the stiff competition in all fields...
Fight to get a decent place to live...
Survive the ever growing population...
And then again...
Survive the petty crimes...
The rage of nature...
The useless folly of unruly politicians...
And the heartless wrath of terrorists...
And my heart just breaks...
Is this the Mumbai i once knew...
The city where i grew up...
The city which coloured my childhood memories with pretty pictures...
Mumbai Meri Jaan...
More like...
Mumbai Meri Jaan Lene Pe Tuli Hui Hai...!!!!