Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Well.I don't know how and where to start.I mean i'm practically pretty new to this "BLOGGERS WORLD" so if i make any mistakes or sort of not keep up to the mark then please i request all you bloggers out there to forgive me!!!
In case your wondering how i stepped into this BLOG WORLD well just think it to be that i by chance while surfing the net came across the option of having my own blog....
Always with the wish to write my own diary,the wish never got a foundation as i was either to lazy to start writing one properly or just too bored to continue writing for very long....
Well but when i saw the idea of having my own blog and having virtually the whole world read it it seemed like a golden oppurtunity to me....
I could have my own personal public diary throwing light upon my until now hidden secrets about life,love,the works.........
You'll must be thinking what can be so interesting in an 18 years old's life that we should even bother to read her blog but trust me sometimes life throws such googlys at you and that too at the wrong times that you are forced to stop and think.....
"What is this life i'm living?Why am i living it?Is there any purpose of me being present in this big wide world of millions of people?I feel so insignifact....If i'm gone will anybody even miss me?"
And then we realise that no matter how young we still have our own different lives each with a unique story to tell....And as life passes by,by minutes hours days months years we live and with every moment of living we learn....
We learn from our mistakes and experiences and from the experiences of others...
So here i am sittin here at 12 in the night writing this hoping that somewhere somehow my life and its stories will help someone...
Help someone to learn........
And in that process i'll too learn and get better..........
IN LIVING THIS OH SO CONFUSING LIFE..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!